Parents, daughter, and granddaughters took on the Mayday Mile challenge to raise funds for RNLI Salcombe recently and in doing so raised an amazing £60.

Upon completion of the walk there was a ‘prize giving’ of lifeboat medals and chocolate, to mark their achievement.

The Coxswain and crew send their thanks and hope that in the not too distant future you may be able to visit our station in Salcombe on one of its open days.

Pictured below left to right, are Suzi, Ayda and Ezel with their awards.

During what has been a difficult time for charities and businesses alike, Salcombe Co-op and its employees were enthusiastic in raising funds in support of Salcombe Lifeboats.

Team leader Tracy Darch, whose son is a crew member at RNLI Dartmouth, organised a staff raffle for a hamper of goodies and raised £105.  A further £200 was donated from the Co-op Corporate Giving programme, which supports local charities.

Andrew Arthur, Lifeboat Operation Manager for Salcombe RNLI, said “I would like to thank both the staff and management of the Co-op in Salcombe for their support”.

Pictured – Louise Hawkins, Co-op Manager, Andrew Arthur, Lifeboat Operations Manager & Simon Linsley, Chairman of the Salcombe RNLI Fundraising Crew.


The Coxswain and crew of the Salcombe Lifeboats would like to send a big thank you to six-year-old Isabella Multon from Pangbourne.

During a recent holiday stay in Salcombe Isabella spent a weekend drawing a selection of pictures and then selling them on the quay side. In doing so her efforts raised more than £27 which she then donated to the Salcombe Lifeboats!

Amazing effort Isabella, thank you and when you are next in Salcombe and rules permit please call into the lifeboat shop/museum and introduce yourself, there will be a warm welcome for you.




Salcombe Lifeboats Fundraising Crew 2021 AGM

The Salcombe Lifeboat Fundraisers AGM will be an abbreviated version of the usual meeting, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The meeting will be held on Thursday, 29th April at 3 p.m. via Zoom.

If you would like to attend, please follow the link below.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 871 7003 1108

Passcode: 561973


RNLI Bounce Back Fundraising Walk

25th October 2020

Help us please with one more BIG push!

• The ‘just giving’ page is open, and donations have started to arrive. The details are on the Salcombe RNLI website and below. Please encourage all contacts, friends & family to donate. Every pound helps in these difficult times.…/salcombe-lifeboat-bouncebackwa…

These are difficult times for everyone at the moment and we are all facing significant challenges; Salcombe Lifeboats are no different. The Lifeguards are back on the beaches and throughout the “Lockdown period” our Lifeboats have maintained a constant cover thanks to our amazing crew and they will need your support so much more in the future to ensure the Salcombe Lifeboats continue to fulfil their mission, to Save Lives at Sea.

Whilst we have cancelled or postponed our planned fundraising events this year, we are still trying to raise some money as the pandemic has left a big hole in the RNLI’s finances as our costs have remained pretty much the same.

We are starting to plan events we can carry out within the Government’s guidelines, such as a sponsored walk from Bantham to Start Point over a series of legs ranging from 2 to 4 miles each. The provisional date is the 25th October and will involve teams of 4+ with each team raising sponsorship. We will put more details on our Website and Social Media as they are available.

The boys football club in South Brent are also doing a sponsored walk and have kindly offered to do so in support of Salcombe Lifeboats. We will also put their details and links on our web site.

Since our RNLI Shop in Salcombe is currently closed, you can still shop safely online. In these difficult times, your support means more than ever. Shop now at and use code SALCOMBE for free delivery. Please see for the terms of this promotion.


Friday May 29th saw both RNLI Salcombe ALB and Hope Cove Lifeboats responding to reports of people in difficulty in the water off South Milton Sands.
Temperatures are set to soar again this weekend and at present there are no RNLI lifeguards on a number of UK beaches, so please make sure you follow our safety advice:
• Stay together – do not enter the water alone, always have a member of your household nearby
• Now is not the time to learn a new water sport, please refrain from the temptation
• Be aware of rip currents (typically identifiable as areas where the waves are not breaking or channels of churning, choppy water on the sea’s surface)
• If you fall into the water unexpectedly, FLOAT TO LIVE, fight your instinct to thrash around, lean back, remain calm, extend your arms and legs and FLOAT
• Always have a plan – check the weather and surf forecast as well as sea temperature and tide times
• In any coastal emergency, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard #BeBeachSafe


It is with great sadness that Salcombe Lifeboat Station announces that its former Honorary Secretary and Lifeboat Operations Manager, Peter Hodges, passed away peacefully on Tuesday May 26th. He will be sorely missed by both current and former Members of the lifeboat community.
We, at RNLI Salcombe send our sincere condolences to his family.


The warmer weather may well bring the temptation to head for the sea but please remember.
While you are allowed out for daily exercise, we do not recommend that this exercise is on or in the sea. Our charity’s lifeboat service is still available but every time a lifeboat crew is called to an incident, it puts additional pressure on RNLI volunteers and other front-line emergency services as well as potentially exposing them to COVID-19.

The Salcombe RNLI family want to recognise the incredible work, dangers and pressure facing our NHS Staff during this COVID-19 pandemic.
In particular we think of two of the Salcombe volunteer lifeboat crew members currently on the front line.

Miss Esther McLarty. Consultant Urological Surgeon.

Esther has been a member of the Salcombe crew since 2009, and crewed both the ALB and ILB lifeboats, only stepping down from the roles when daughter Molly-May arrived. Esther’s partner Richard (Tricky) Clayton is also a member of the crew holding the position of Deputy Second Coxswain.

Esther also serves as Lifeboat Medical Advisor, for Salcombe RNLI.

Jeff Gillard. Emergency Care Assistant (Bristol Ambulance) Working for NHS SW Ambulance.

Jeff is in his second term with Salcombe RNLI having re-joined in September 2017, now covering the Falmouth area for the NHS sees very little of home these days with a continual need to work extended hours.

Jeff has said the public response to NHS staff has been remarkable, an example of which is shown in the letter he found on his car.

Please remember the single most important action we can all take in fighting COVID-19 is to stay at home in order to protect Esther, Richard, Molly-May and Jeff and all those working for the NHS and save lives.