After 16 years of service Jeanne Stevens is to step down from the role of Volunteer Shop Manager of the RNLI Salcombe gift shop and more than 30 years’ service to the Branch.
The gift shop provides a vital source of funds for the RNLI Charity and thankfully Jeanne will not be saying goodbye completely. Jeanne intends to continue as part of the volunteer fundraising crew and sharing her considerable knowledge to those who follow.
From the Salcombe Crew, both Operational and Fundraising, ‘Thank You Jeanne’ for all your hard work over the years.
The RNLI Salcombe gift shop provides a vital source of funds to the RNLI and is run entirely by volunteers.
To register an expression of interest in the position of Shop Manager, or just an informal discussion.
Please contact Mr Mark Alexander, Chairman Salcombe Lifeboat Management Group on – 07713 057058.
Further information can also be found on – Be a charity shop volunteer (

The sun shone on the ‘Salcombe Gin Beach Touch Rugby’ last Thursday. It may be non-contact, but play was as competitive as ever with as many teams as we’ve ever seen. With razor sharp referees for the afternoon, there was never a call for a VAR decision!
The event raised more than £4,000 for Salcombe Lifeboats, and a special thanks must go out to the supporters of the raffle, and our volunteers.
Looking forward to seeing you all again next August when it will be the RNLI 200th Anniversary and a big year in Salcombe.
RNLI Salcombe and Kingsbridge Fundraisers had a fun day out at the ‘Love Your Park’ event in Kingsbridge last Sunday.
With the team looking to educate and encourage people to join the Fundraising Crew, it was time well spent. Of special interest to many was the information available on water safety, of particular interest at this time of year. Also available and popular was the sale of lottery tickets for the Fundraisers Grand Draw in October.
Thanks to our colleagues, the Lifeguards who loaned us a lifeboat which was a big hit with all the children, and one or two grown-ups!
Congratulations also go to Kingsbridge Town Council and all the volunteers who made it such an enjoyable day.
For further information on how to get involved with the RNLI Fundraising Crew please contact –
I recently took over as Fundraising Chair for RNLI Salcombe & Kingsbridge Fundraising Crew. I thought it would be good to introduce myself to everyone although many of you will have met me at RNLI events and I call into the shop whenever I’m passing. To run our fundraising events around South Hams and open your RNLI shop on a regular basis, we need more volunteers.
I live in West Charleton with my wife Penny, who is also a volunteer fundraiser for the RNLI as well as giving her time to another local charity, KASC. We both work part time, Penny, in the Rowbury gallery in Salcombe on Tuesdays (call in and say hello if you’re passing) and I run a small website and marketing business from home. Before setting up my own business, I spent 25 years in sales and marketing for global telecommunications companies.
I’ve always been involved with voluntary work from Scouts as a youngster, a member of the Mountain Rescue Team in The Peak District as a young man and then community projects when I was older.
Going forward, I would like to re-introduce some of the fun volunteer get togethers so that we can meet up more often, start to have more street based fundraising events and of course continue with some of the bigger fund-raising events that have been so successful in the past. Next year is our 200th anniversary so the RNLI 200 celebrations will be a big year for us.
The key to our success will be down to recruiting more people who are as dedicated too, and passionate about the RNLI as we are, so I would ask you all to join in. We have no shortage of great ideas for fundraising, just not enough active volunteers to deliver them.
You can contact me anytime on email:
Find Us
Salcombe Lifeboat Station,
Unity House,
Union Street,
Devon TQ8 8BZ
Talk To Us
Tel : 01548 842158
Email :
Twitter : @RNLISalcombe
Facebook : SalcombeRNLI
Key Contacts
Coxswain : Chris Winzar
Operations Manager : Nigel Blazeby
Fundraising Chair: Philip Ward
Fundraising Secretary: Debbie White