Field of Light 200
You can donate to the Field of Light 200 and dedicate a light in memory of a loved one and support the next generation of RNLI volunteers.
You can visit free in the Salcombe Lifeboat Park (Cross Gardens) and get close up to the beautiful artwork. A totally different experience to the original Field of Light, you can now sit just a few feet from 200 light stems and the fibre optic display.
The Salcombe Lifeboat Park, Shadycombe Road TQ8 8HA
Find Us
Salcombe Lifeboat Station,
Unity House,
Union Street,
Devon TQ8 8BZ
Talk To Us
Tel : 01548 842158
Email :
Twitter : @RNLISalcombe
Facebook : SalcombeRNLI
Key Contacts
Coxswain : Chris Winzar
Operations Manager : Nigel Blazeby
Fundraising Chair: Philip Ward
Fundraising Secretary: Debbie White